About Manchester

Brand Toolkit - Design elements


Import individual design elements into your documents to create a branded design in any design program. Familiarize yourself with proper usage of brand elements on pages pages 18-27 of Manchester's Brand Standards manual

All elements are available for download in .png format, for flexibility, manageable file size and option for transparent background. This format is suitable for all electronic and most print applications. If producing a design for high-quality printing, please consult with the Office of Marketing for higher resolution files.

Guidelines and Tips

Once imported into your document, avoid stretching or squishing graphic elements (exception: mosaic elements). In some programs, this can be done by dragging on the corners of the graphic to resize it. In other programs, you may need to hold "shift" or "control" while dragging the corners to maintain original proportions.

The community mosaic and student mosaic can be stretched and rotated to best fit your design.

Avoid enlarging all elements, except by small increments. This could result in pixelization or blurry elements. If your design requires larger elements, contact the Office of Marketing.

The crest edge and center notch container elements are designed to add type on top if desired (e.g., dates, times, location). Avoid putting type or overlapping other graphic elements over the other design elements.

To download the elements below, click the link, then right click on the element as it appears in a new window and select "Save Image As."

Community Mosaic

.png format

community mosiac

Student Mosaic

.png format
Mosaic 8.5x11

Wayfinding Arrow

.png format

wayfinding arrow

Vertical Arrow

.png format

Vertical arrow

Container with logo

.png format

Container with logo

Center Notch Container

.png format

Center Notch

Crest Edge

.png format

Crest edge

Crest Collar

.png format

Crest collar
Marketing Request
Event/Calendar Request
Photo/Video Request
Business Card Request